Please email me at gitte.duplessis(at) for any pieces that are not open access, and I will send you the published version.
Thank you.
Destructive Plasticity and the Microbial Geopolitics of Hunger G. du Plessis (2022) Review of International Studies. Published online 22 September. Open Access.
Politics in the Time of COVID S. R. Fishel, A. Fletcher, S. Krishna, U. McKnight, G. du Plessis, C. Shomura, A. Valdés and N. Voelkner (2021) Contemporary Political Theory 20(3): 657–689.
Killing Reindeer: A Spatial analysis of Nordic states and nomadic forms of life in the Arctic G. du Plessis (2020) International Political Sociology 14(4): 347-365.
When pathogens determine the territory: Towards a concept of non-human borders G. du Plessis (2018) European Journal of International Relations 24(2): 391-413.
Danish Demarcations: Welfare State, Middle-class Nationalism, and Xenophobia G. du Plessis (2015) Alternatives 40(1): 15-30.
Critiquing Capitalism: A Genealogy of Vacation Travel G. du Plessis (2014) New Political Science 36(3): 291-310.
Book chaptersThe necro-geopolitics of Danish welfare, and the horror of responsibility G. du Plessis (2019) In C. Alphin and F. Debrix (eds): Necro-Geopolitics: On Death and Death-Making in International Relations. Routledge.
EditorialsOmvendt racisme findes ikke (Reverse racism doesn’t exist) G. du Plessis (2020) Jyllands-Posten, June 19.
Mads Fuglede, din klumme er anstødelig: Her er en læseliste, så du kan blive klogere (Mads Fuglede, your column is offensive: Here is a reading list so you can educate yourself) G. du Plessis (2017) Berlingske Tidende, October 13.
Glem alt om en god ferie (Forget about having a nice vacation) G. du Plessis (2012) Information, July 17
Sustaining Empire: Conservation by Ruination at Kalama Atoll G. du Plessis, C. Grimm, K. Kajihiro and K. G. Kuper (2022) Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 40(4): 706-724. Open Access.
Invisibility, Colors, Snow: Arctic Biosemiotics and the Violence of Climate Change G. du Plessis (2021) Theory, Culture & Society 38(7–8): 167–188. Open Access.
Collective Discussion: Diagnosing the Present R B J Walker, R. Shilliam, H. Weber and G. du Plessis (2018) International Political Sociology 12(1): 88-107.
War machines par excellence: The discrepancy between threat and control in the weaponisation of infectious agents G. du Plessis (2017) Critical Studies on Security 5(1): 45-61.
Enjoy your Vacation! G. du Plessis (2015) Ephemera 15(4). Open Access.
Review EssaysBook Review: Planetary Specters: Race, Migration and Climate Change in the 21st Century G. du Plessis (2022). Humanity & Society, 46(2): 387–390
Hunting as Techniques of Governing: Chamayou’s Manhunts, and Fassin’s Enforcing Order G. du Plessis (2015) Theory & Event 18(2).
Blog postsCultivating Catastrophe: Why does North Korea still pursue biological weapons? G. du Plessis (2017) The Contemporary Condition, December 26